Welcome to Stateline Mass Transit District

SMTD Launches New
Notifications-based Dispatch
and Scheduling System!

• We are now “live” with our new dispatch system. We appreciate your patience while we “work out the bugs”.

• Improved trip scheduling enhances overall
rider experience by reducing wait times.
• Provides automated notifications about scheduled trips
through phone, email, SMS text message.
• Receive notifications on BOOKING details,
TRIP details, and general notifications about
service details or weather impacts.

For additional info, call SMTD at 779-771-6778
To book your rides in advance, continue to call 877-561-3330

On the behalf of the Stateline Mass Transit Board of Trustees and our Staff, we would like to welcome you to the Stateline Mass Transit District (SMTD). Our goal is to bring affordable, safe and reliable transportation to those who need it most. Our courteous and reliable staff will schedule your ride, pick you up at your desired location and drop you off anywhere you need to go in the Stateline area. SMTD serves the greater South Beloit, Rockton and Roscoe areas, including Rockton and Roscoe Townships in northern Illinois.

All of us at SMTD sincerely hope this website answers any questions you may have. Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to call SMTD at 877-561-3330 or TTY 815-961-0072 only. If the Ride Scheduling line, for any reason, is unavailable, call Sharon at 779-771-6778.

SMTD Title VI Policy Statement

The SMTD is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from, participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, religion, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) in any and all programs, activities or services administered by the SMTD in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination authorities.

If you feel you have been discriminated against, or for complaints, please contact SMTD at 877-561-3330 or 779-771-6778.

For additional information, click HERE to visit our Title VI & ADA (Americans With Disabilities) page.


Veterans Ride Free!

Effective July 1, 2022, Veterans ride SMTD Free!

SMTD Text Club

Sign up with SMTD’s text list to receive texts regarding updates like our service delays from power outages, severe weather, or phone service disruptions.

SMTD - Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of public hearing to consider change of current fare structure dropping age of unaccompanied child rider from current seven (7) years of age and above to five (5) years and above at fare rate of $1.50 in the SMTD service area.

FREE Shuttle Service at Pelican Fest

SMTD To Offer Free Shuttle Service at 2nd Annual Pelican Fest.

Veterans Ride Free!

Effective July 1, 2022, Veterans ride SMTD Free!

SMTD Text Club

Sign up with SMTD’s text list to receive texts regarding updates like our service delays from power outages, severe weather, or phone service disruptions.

SMTD - Notice of Public Hearing

Notice of public hearing to consider change of current fare structure dropping age of unaccompanied child rider from current seven (7) years of age and above to five (5) years and above at fare rate of $1.50 in the SMTD service area.

FREE Shuttle Service at Pelican Fest

SMTD To Offer Free Shuttle Service at 2nd Annual Pelican Fest.

Join Our Text List

Interested in joining our text list? The SMTD Text Club allows our customers to receive texts regarding any updates that we share such as any service delays that we may be experiencing because of sever weather, phone service disruptions, and more. Text alerts allow us to send real-time updates and information to you so that you are always up-to-date. Simply text SMTD to 815-269-9199, and you will sign up to receive upcoming specials, announcements, and information.

Download Token Transit App

SMTD riders now have a new and convenient way to purchase fares. Introducing Token Transit in partnership with SMTD. If you have a smart phone, you can download the Token Transit App from either the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Once you have the app, it’s easy to purchase your fares using your phone for a contactless “ticket to ride” experience. Click the button below to learn more information on our Fares page.

Learn about places to go with SMTD

If your car is in the shop or your transportation options have become limited, SMTD can get you to work, to the doctor, to church or to the museum! No matter where you need to go, SMTD can get you there for a reasonable, consistent fare!

Stateline Mass Transit District

11722 Main Street, Roscoe. IL 61073

Phone: 779-771-6778  Ride Scheduling: 877-561-3330